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title. Dr.yu business card

date. 2019

category. Business card design

descriptionThis design is tailored for an atmospheric science Ph.D. The business card features clear and readable contact information, including name, title, phone number, personal website URL, and office address. Additionally, the card includes a QR code for the personal website, allowing people to easily scan and access the site without manually entering the URL, enhancing the ease of information search and browsing. The overall color scheme is kept simple and unified, using blue and green tones, which align with the atmospheric and earth science fields, making the card more professional and thematic.

此設計專為大氣科學博士打造,名片上提供了清晰且易讀的聯繫資訊,如姓名、職稱、電話、個人網站網址和辦公地址。此外,名片上還增加了一個個人網站的QR Code,讓人們可以輕鬆掃描進入網站,而不需要手動輸入網址,提升了資訊搜尋和瀏覽的便利性。名片的整體色調採用了簡潔統一的藍綠色調,這種配色與氣象和地球科學領域相契合,使名片更加專業且具有主題性。

Image by Clyde RS
BC yu 2.png
BC yu1.png
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